We all know it: your heart beats faster, your muscles flex, your mind races and your stomach churns – you are gearing for the fight of your life. You are anxious.

In most cases, anxiety is a helpful response to uncertain threats and opportunities. It plays an important role in keeping us healthy and safe. Like most emotions, however, anxiety can grow to the point when it does more harm than good. It makes us sick. It prevents us from making good decisions and interacting with others. It becomes Anxiety Disorder.

How can you tell if your everyday anxiety has crossed the line into a disorder? It’s not easy. Anxiety comes in many different forms—such as panic attacks, phobia, and social anxiety—and the distinction between an official diagnosis and “normal” anxiety isn’t always clear.

Here’s a start. Ask yourself the following questions:

  •     • Are you are experiencing some degree of fear or anxiety frequently or constantly?
  •     • Are you getting so fixated on your fears that it does not allow you to concentrate on your everyday tasks?
  •     • Do you feel anxious in [rationally] non-dangerous situations?
  •     • Does your anxiety interfere with your social life and relationships?
  •     • Does your anxiety keep you up at nights?
  •     • Do you experience physical symptoms such as clenching your fists, grinding your teeth, constipation or diarrhea?

If you answered “yes” to at least one of the questions, you may want to talk with your doctor. If you answered “yes” to two questions or more, you need to schedule this conversation without delay. Fortunately, in most cases, Anxiety Disorder is treatable, with psychological counselling, medications, or both. What’s more, new, potentially more effective, medications are being developed by pharma companies.

Boston Clinical Trials is proud to offer a new study focusing on Anxiety Disorder. For more information on symptoms of Anxiety Disorder or to learn more about this study please call us at (617) 477-4868 or visit us online!